Sunday, July 26, 2015

Here we FIRST post!  This blog has been churning in my mind for what seems like years now!  I've ALWAYS enjoyed learning from other blogging teachers through their blog posts and journey into their classrooms to get ideas and tips for my own.  Finally, I feel like I am ready to jump into this big bloggin' pond head-first...except I'm terrible at diving!  But, swimming has always been my thing, so I'll keep swimming until I get there! :)

Way too soon, school will be starting back for me.  I'm entering into my 5TH year teaching...where does the time go?  I feel like a new teacher still!  Well, kind of...You see, this is my FIRST YEAR getting to teach the same grade, in the same room, in the same school, in the same county, EVER!  I'm beyond excited to get to use this year to grow and improve from the year before.  Why so many grade levels/schools/counties, you ask?  Well, we all know that to get your first teaching job you will take whatever you can get!  So, I took a job in a very rural area 1 hour away from home.  The next year, I moved to a school a bit closer to home.  THEN, I got married and moved further away.  So to avoid another long commute, I found a wonderful job teaching pre-K at a school in my new state and county.  After pre-K, I moved up to 2nd grade.  Last year was a fantastic year that I was so sad to see end.  I know that class will always have a very special place in my heart.  However, I have high hopes for this year too.  I look forward to sharing my ups and downs, tips and tricks, and more TPT products to come with you all!

I've already decided that soon, VERY SOON, I will be making a post of my classroom reveal! So excited!  Can I give you a hint?  It involves a unique furniture flip new addition! :)

See you SOON,

The Sweet Tea Teacher

BlogLovin: <a href="">Follow my blog with Bloglovin</a>


  1. Yay 2nd grade!! Congrats on the new blog and a 2nd year in 2nd grade. Your blog looks great. My first blog design was not this cute. I've been teaching 2nd grade for 7 years and I LOVE it. Don't hesitate to reach out if you need help and I'll certainly be following your blog. My periscope is @2nd_Bugs. What is yours?

    All the best,
    Ms. Pretzel's 2nd Grade Bugs

  2. Oh yay! I am so glad to have a new blogging friend! Thank you! :) I am sure I will eventually have some newbie questions! :) My periscope is @SweetTeaTeacher I am going to go follow you now!


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