Monday, August 17, 2015

Day 8...and I need a sub!?

Raise your hand've ever had to get a sub during the first full week of school!
Yep, it happened to me.... Day 8 of school and I wake up at 2:00am with chills and a fever.  "This CANNOT be happening," I immediately think!  Then it hits me, Susie-Q in my class, went home early with a sore throat the day before, right after she gave me a big hug.  "So this is it.  I have no choice but to text my principal," (really, at 2:00am, because she is seriously that cool  And because I know she won't see it until she wakes up) and submit a substitute request.  After I realize I have a high fever, sore throat, and will not be going to work the next day, I ALSO realize I have NO emergency sub plans yet.  I mean, it IS only DAY 8 and I have had "bigger fish to fry" than to get emergency sub plans.  Too achy and tired to leave my bed, I type an entire days worth of plans on my cell phone, email it to myself and pledge to email it to my grade-team at 7:00 to have them print for the sub.

Fast forward to prompt care...a place I remember oh so well my second year in teaching!  I think I was on antibiotics every single month from the germ exposure and the fact that I had no clue that I was allergic to SO many things.  So, prompt care on a school day is an old familiar memory.  I got the report that I definitely had strep. YAY.  I hope this isn't a preface to this school year.

Strep is so much worse as an adult!  I feel like I used to bounce back from strep SO much quicker as a child.  But strep as an adult usually means a fever for 24 hours straight!  This time was no exception.  Missing school on the Friday of a first full week back was less than ideal, it also was a blessing in disguise.  I missed and worried about my kiddos all day, don't get me wrong!  Even so, I spent Friday resting all day.  Saturday was also a very lazy pajama day.  Once I finally broke my fever I was able to leisurely prepare some amazing items for Parent Orientation next week (post to come soon)!  After that, I watched a movie with my husband...on the couch...and we did not cut out lamination, grade papers, label zip-loc baggies, etc!  We just enjoyed getting to watch a movie and not do ANY school work!  What a notion!  Then Sunday, I was feeling myself again, just with very low energy.  So, I slept in, again.  And by "I slept in," I mean 1:00.  Sorry, not sorry.  I slept in until 1:00 and I'm NOT ashamed!  Who knows when I'll ever get to do that again!  This time of year is typically EXHAUSTING for me and I never find a way to allow myself to slow down.  Unfortunately, strep throat caused me to slow down unwillingly.  However, I was able to find the peace of resting and taking time for myself.  I need to do that more often!

I cannot wait to see what this week brings! I'm finally seeing the product of teaching routines and procedures explicitly...and that is exciting!  Who doesn't love a classroom that has rock-solid routines and procedures?!  Maybe I'll pick another night this week to enjoy a couch date sans lamination or grading papers.  You teacher wives (and mommies) out there, I dare you to do the same! Your husband (and children) will be shocked...and so grateful!

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